Real Life Cooperative

Real Life Cooperative 170 Emerson Ave. E., West St. Paul, Minnesota

Concert for residents and guests

Friendship Village – Bloomington

Friendship Village - Bloomington 8100 Highwood Drive, Bloomington, Minnesota

Performance for residents and guests

Excelsior Christkindlmarkt

Excelsor Christkindlmarkt 421 3rd Street, Excelsior, Minnesota

A Christkindlmarkt right in Excelsior. All are welcome. The venue is the parking lot behind Excelsior Brewing, how convenient! Add $1 facility fee for tickets purchased online.


Mall of America – Holiday Music Festival

Mall of America Holiday Music Festival 7104 East Broadway, Huntington Bank Rotunda - Level 1 East, Bloomington, Minnesota

This is a free event. Huntington Bank Rotunda, Level 1 East - ALL ARE WELCOME!

Walker Place

Walker Place 3701 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Performance for residents, staff, and guests

Lakewood Memorial Chapel – Music in the Chapel

Lakewood Memorial Chapel 3600 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Public, ticketed performance. Tickets available at eventbrite (click into details for links) This stunning Chapel is in the National Registry of Historic places.  


Urban Growler

Urban Growler 2325 Endicott, St. Paul, Minnesota

Always a great time! Great food and refreshments. ALL ARE WELCOME!