10 events found.
Rose Pointe Holiday Show
Rose Pointe 25555 Hamline Ave. N., Roseville, MNPerformance for residents, staff, and families
Holidazzle 80 S 8th St (Nicollet Mall), Minneapolis, MinnesotaPublic performance
Morningside after Dark
Edina Morningside Church 4201 Morningside Rd, Edina, MNPublic Performance, theme for the evening is "Heartbreaker"
Jones-Harrison Residence 3700 Cedar Lake Avenue, Minneapolis, MinnesotaPerformance for residents, staff, and families
Episcopal Homes
Episcopal Homes 490 Lynnhurst, St Paul, MNPerformance for residents, staff, guests and friends Find us in Otto Hall
New Perspectives, Eagan
New Perspectives 3810 Adler Lane, Eagan, MinnesotaPerformance for residents, staff, guests and friends
Underground Music Cafe
Underground Music Cafe 1579 Hamline Ave, St Paul, MNPublic performance
Morningside After Dark
Edina Morningside Church 4201 Morningside Rd, Edina, MNPublic Performance, theme for the evening is "Growing Pains"
The Warming House – open mic
The Warming House 4001 Bryant Ave. S., Minneapolis, MinnesotaALL ARE WELCOME HERE! The Warming House welcomes $5-$20 donation
Kingfield Neighborhood Porchfest 2018
Kingfield Neighborhood Porchfest Minneapolis, MinnesotaALL ARE WELCOME HERE! Annual summer event, numerous musical groups throughout the neighborhood starting at 6pm.